{{CampaignID}}: Unique numeric ID automatically assigned to each campaign
{{CampaignLabel}}: Label you assign when adding or editing a campaign
{{Converted}}: Y or N value that indicates if the respondent is marked as converted
{{ConvertedDate}}: Timestamp that reflects when a respondent converted
{{CurrentYear}}: The current year (yyyy)
{{FirstContact}}: Timestamp generated when a respondent first visits a creative (Central time zone)
{{FirstPrimaryTag}}: First tagged element a respondent engaged with
{{GeoCountry}}: Respondent's country location with 99% accuracy
{{GeoCity}}: Respondent's city with 70% accuracy
{{GeoDomainName}}: Respondent's domain name with 75% accuracy
{{GeoPostalCode}}: Respondent's postal code with 60% accuracy
{{GeoRegion}}: Respondent's region/state with 75% accuracy
{{Grade}}: Grade assigned to a respondent based on advanced rules that move the grade value up or down as they navigate through your creative
{{IPAddress}}: Respondent's IP address
{{LastContact}}: Timestamp generated when a respondent last visits a creative (Central time zone)
{{MediaName}}: The category selected when adding a URL (Ex. Search Engine or Email)
{{NActions}}: The number of tagged elements a respondent engages with in the creative they visit
{{NUserResponses}}: The total number of times a respondent has visited any ion creative managed in your console
{{NVisits}}: The number of times a respondent has visited a creative using the same URL (New visits to a creative via the same URL will only be tracked if they are 20 minutes apart.)
{{PageID}}: Unique ID automatically assigned to each page created in your ion console
{{PageLabel}}: Label assigned to a page by clicking on the pencil icon beside its thumbnail on the "creative management" screen
{{PathID}}: Unique numeric ID automatically assigned to each creative (not available for export)
{{PathLabel}}: Label you assign when adding or editing a creative
{{PortfolioID}}: Unique numeric ID automatically assigned to each portfolio
{{PortfolioLabel}}: Label you assign when adding or editing a portfolio
{{Referrer}}: The URL that referred the respondent to your URL
{{RespondentID}}: A unique, sequential numeric value that assigned to each respondent upon visiting an ion URL
{{SecondPrimaryTag}}: Second tagged element a respondent engaged with pre-conversion
{{SourceID}}: Unique numeric ID given to URLs opened in your ion console
{{VehicleName}}: The sub-category selected when adding a URL. (Ex. Google or Yahoo!)
{{Tags}}: All actions labeled via assigning tags in your creative or using ion's external tag scripth
{{TrafficSourceLabel}}: The URL the respondent clicked on to visit an ion creative
{{TrafficSourceDesc}}: A description that can optionally be added when opening or editing a URL
{{TrafficSourceQueryString}}: The complete query string for a URL.
{{UserAgent}}: Identifies the client software originating the request
{{UserID}}: A unique, sequential numeric value that identifies someone who has visited your ion experiences. Whereas the RespondentID is unique for each URL, the UserID will remain the same across visits to different URLs to tie the visitor data to a single person.
{{UserKey}}: Unique key generated by ion
{{UserTimelineURL}}: Link to timeline showing visits to all experiences, data collected across those experiences as well as Sell-Side insights for each experience that a given user has visited throughout the ion console.